Source code for sampling

Various ways to generate datapoints from the solution space, such that it is well covered.
Uses :class:`IO_Objects.Descriptor` to determine which inputs are valid.

# Python Core Libraries
from typing import Callable, Any

# External Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyDOE2
import copy
import random as randlib

# BESOS Imports
from besos.IO_Objects import Descriptor
from besos.problem import Problem
from besos.parameters import CategoryParameter, RangeParameter

##############################     Static  sampling     ################################################

_sampler = Callable[[int, int, Any], np.ndarray]  # the format of all sampler functions

[docs]def dist_sampler( sampler: _sampler, problem: Problem, num_samples: int, *args, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """uses the sampling function provided to generate `num_samples` sets of values These values will be valid for the corresponding inputs :param problem: Problem that the inputs should apply to :param sampler: a function that is used to produce the distribution of samples :param num_samples: number of samples to take :param args: Arguments passed to the sampling function :param kwargs: Arguments passed to the sampling function :return: pandas DataFrame with one column per parameter, and `num_samples` rows """ samples = sampler(num_samples, problem.num_inputs, *args, **kwargs) data = { _sample_param(value_descriptor, samples[:, i]) for i, (value_descriptor) in enumerate(problem.value_descriptors) } df = pd.DataFrame(data) # enforce the correct order in case it was lost by the dictionary # this may be unnecessary with python 3.7+ df = df[problem.names("inputs")] return df
[docs]def add_extremes(df: pd.DataFrame, problem: Problem) -> pd.DataFrame: """Adds two datapoints with the minimum and maximum values for each attribute. :param df: existing data to which the extreme values should be added. :param problem: the problem defining which values are valid. :return: df with 2 added rows, one with maximal values, one with minimal values. """ new = dist_sampler(extremes, problem, 2) return pd.concat([df, new], ignore_index=True)
[docs]def extremes(samples: int, attributes: int = None) -> np.ndarray: """This sampler generates datapoints corresponding to the extremes of a problem. :param samples: the number of samples. Must be equal to 2 (this argument is available in order to implement the sampler interface) If only one argument is provided, that argument will be assigned to attributes, even though samples is listed first. :param attributes: the number of attributes for which to generate samples :return: An array containing 2 samples: one with all zeroes, one with all ones. When transformed by a problem, these become minimal and maximal values for that problem. """ if attributes is None: samples, attributes = 2, samples assert samples == 2, "extremes can only produce two samples" return np.array([np.zeros(attributes), np.ones(attributes)])
def _sample_param(descriptor: Descriptor, values): try: # this will only work if p.sample is numpy compatible return descriptor.sample(values) except TypeError: # apply non-vectorised version of p.sample return [descriptor.sample(x) for x in values] # all of the following return a 2d array of shape (samples, attributes) # which contains values between 0 and 1 random: _sampler = np.random.rand
[docs]def seeded_sampler(samples: int, attributes: int, seed=0) -> np.ndarray: """MUST BE USED AS AN INPUT TO dist_sampler. Creates random samples from a seed :param samples: the number of samples :param attributes: number of parameters that are to be varied :param seed: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] seed to be used :returns: an array of floats between 0 and 1 to be transformed in dist_sampler """ np.random.seed(seed) return np.random.rand(samples, attributes)
[docs]def lhs(samples: int, attributes: int, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """MUST BE USED AS AN INPUT TO dist_sampler. Uses latin hypercube sampling to create samples :param samples: the number of samples :param attributes: number of parameters that are to be varied :param args: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] Arguments passed to pyDOE2.lhs :param kwargs: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] Arguments passed to pyDOE2.lhs :returns: an array of floats between 0 and 1 to be transformed in dist_sampler """ return pyDOE2.lhs(attributes, samples, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def full_factorial(samples: int, attributes: int, level: int = None) -> np.ndarray: """MUST BE USED AS AN INPUT TO dist_sampler. Creates every possible combination of variables :param samples: the number of samples :param attributes: number of parameters that are to be varied :param level: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] :returns: an array of floats between 0 and 1 to be transformed in dist_sampler """ if level is None: level = / attributes)) if (level**attributes) > level: print( f"Total number of samples ({level**attributes}) is smaller than input ({samples}) " f"to have an even number of factor levels ({level}) for all parameters." ) return pyDOE2.fullfact((np.ones([attributes]) * level).astype(int)) / level
[docs]def morris_sample( samples: int, attributes: int, problem_dup: Problem, steps=None, random_order: bool = False, chooser=randlib.random, ): """MUST BE USED AS AN INPUT TO dist_sampler. Using a set of starting points (origins), begins a random walk at each one through the parameter space. :param samples: number of samples that are used as the origins - NOT total number of samples :param attributes: number of parameters that are to be varied :param problem_dup: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] the problem that is used :param steps: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] how long the random walk should be for each point (the number of times a variable is changed) :param random_order: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] boolean, -> if true: randomizes the order of the variables to be cycled through, and rerandomizes every time all variables are cycled through -> if false: uses the original order :chooser: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] function, how to choose a random number between 0 and 1. random.random default, so a uniform distribution, must take no arguments :returns: an array of floats between 0 and 1 to be transformed in dist_sampler """ if ( steps is None ): # by default the number of steps (new points generated) will be equal to the number of parameters steps = len(problem_dup.parameters) init_samples_np = pyDOE2.lhs( attributes, samples ) # creates the samples that are to be used as origins new_samples_np = np.empty([0, attributes], dtype=float) params = list( enumerate(copy.deepcopy(problem_dup.parameters)) ) # creates a list of (parameter's location in row, parameter) for row in init_samples_np: row = np.expand_dims(row, 0) # expand dims to allow appending later temp_samples_np = copy.deepcopy(row) for x in range(steps): if ( random_order and x % len(params) == 0 ): # randomize the order if random_order randlib.shuffle(params) loc, parameter = params[x % len(params)] if isinstance(parameter.value_descriptors[0], CategoryParameter): number = chooser() while parameter.value_descriptors[0].sample( number ) == parameter.value_descriptors[0].sample(row[0, loc]): number = ( chooser() ) # this skips the value of the categorical parameter already present in the origin point, unless that categorical parameter only has one value if len(parameter.value_descriptors[0].options) == 1: break row = point = copy.deepcopy( row ) # Unlike neighborhood_sample, the point varied next is the point *after* this variable is changed point[0, loc] = number temp_samples_np = np.append( temp_samples_np, point, axis=0 ) # Appends the new point to the temporary lis elif isinstance(parameter.value_descriptors[0], RangeParameter): number = chooser() row = point = copy.deepcopy( row ) # Unlike neighborhood_sample, the point varied next is the point *after* this variable is changed point[0, loc] = number temp_samples_np = np.append( temp_samples_np, point, axis=0 ) # Appends the new point to the temporary lis new_samples_np = np.append( new_samples_np, temp_samples_np, axis=0 ) # Appends the neighborhood for each origin to the output return new_samples_np
[docs]def neighborhood_sample( samples: int, attributes: int, problem_dup: Problem, subdivisions: int = 2 ): """MUST BE USED AS AN INPUT TO dist_sampler. Using a set of starting points (origins), varies each parameter one at a time to explore the 'neighorhood' of each starting point. :param samples: number of samples that are used as the origins - NOT total number of samples :param attributes: number of parameters that are to be varied :param problem_dup: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] the problem that is used :param subdivisions: [in args/kwargs for dist_sampler] for range parameters, this is the number of subdivisions (>= 2) :returns: an array of floats between 0 and 1 to be transformed in dist_sampler """ assert subdivisions >= 2 init_samples_np = pyDOE2.lhs( attributes, samples ) # creates the samples that are to be used as origins new_samples_np = np.empty([0, attributes], dtype=float) params = list( enumerate(copy.deepcopy(problem_dup.parameters)) ) # creates a list of (parameter's location in row, parameter) for row in init_samples_np: temp_samples_np = np.expand_dims( copy.deepcopy(row), 0 ) # expand dims to allow appending later for loc, parameter in params: if isinstance(parameter.value_descriptors[0], CategoryParameter): for x in range(len(parameter.value_descriptors[0].options)): number = (x + 0.5) / len( params ) # This reverse engineers CategoryParameter.sample() to get one of each sample if parameter.value_descriptors[0].sample( number ) == parameter.value_descriptors[0].sample(row[loc]): continue # this skips the value of the categorical parameter already present in the origin point point = np.expand_dims(copy.deepcopy(row), 0) point[0, loc] = number temp_samples_np = np.append( temp_samples_np, point, axis=0 ) # Appends the new point to the temporary list elif isinstance(parameter.value_descriptors[0], RangeParameter): for x in range(subdivisions): number = x / ( subdivisions - 1 ) # This way the extremes will always be included (0 and 1) point = np.expand_dims(copy.deepcopy(row), 0) point[0, loc] = number temp_samples_np = np.append( temp_samples_np, point, axis=0 ) # Appends the new point to the temporary list new_samples_np = np.append( new_samples_np, temp_samples_np, axis=0 ) # Appends the neighborhood for each origin to the output return new_samples_np
######################################################################################################## ############################## Adaptive sampling ################################################ ########################################################################################################
[docs]class adaptive_sampler_lv: """Represents an adaptive sampler which iteratively picks simulation samples and runs them.""" def __init__( self, P, P_out, n_new, problem, evaluator, reg, test_in, test_out, scaler=None, scaler_out=None, verbose=False, ): if len(P[:, 0]) < 2 * len(P[0, :]): print( "Size of initial number of samples needs to be bigger than 2 times no. inputs." ) self.P = P self.P_out = P_out self.n_new = n_new self.problem = problem self.evaluator = evaluator self.reg = reg self.scaler = scaler self.scaler_out = scaler_out self.verbose = verbose self.test_in = test_in self.test_out = test_out def run(self, no_iter): self.score = np.empty([no_iter + 1]) self.score[0] = self.reg.score(self.test_in, self.test_out) self.N_P, self.S_P = init_Neighborhood(self.P) self.pick_new_samples() self.update_model() for i in range(no_iter): print(i) for p_new in self.P_new: self.N_P, self.S_P = update_Neighborhood( self.N_P, self.P, self.S_P, p_new ) if self.verbose == True: print("initialize neighborhood for new samples") N_P_new, S_P_new = init_Neighborhood(self.P, p_new) self.N_P = np.append(self.N_P, N_P_new, axis=2) self.S_P = np.append(self.S_P, S_P_new, axis=0) # update existing set of samples self.P = np.append(self.P, self.P_new, axis=0) self.P_out = np.append(self.P_out, self.P_out_new, axis=0) self.pick_new_samples() self.update_model() self.score[i + 1] = self.reg.score(self.test_in, self.test_out) def update_model(self):, self.P_out) if self.verbose == True: print(self.reg.score(self.P, self.P_out)) def pick_new_samples(self): # 2) Compute nonlinearity measure and Voronoi Cell E = LOLA_estimate( self.N_P, self.P, self.reg, scaler=self.scaler, scaler_out=self.scaler_out ) V_P, samples = MC_Voronoi_estimate(self.P, self.problem) H = hybrid_score(E, V_P) ind_new = np.argsort(H) P_sorted = self.P[ind_new, :] if self.verbose == True: print("Collecting new samples around:") print(P_sorted[-self.n_new :, :]) # Generate new samples in Voronoi cell taking the mean of the neighborhood ind = 2 self.P_new = np.empty([self.n_new, len(self.P[0, :])]) for i in range(self.n_new): candidates = containedin_Voronoi(P_sorted[-i - 1, :], self.P, samples) # print(len(candidates)) while len(candidates) <= 1: # print('in loop') candidates = containedin_Voronoi(P_sorted[-i - ind, :], self.P, samples) ind += 1 self.P_new[i, :] = select_newSamp( P_sorted[-i - 1, :], self.N_P[:, :, ind_new][:, :, -i - 1], candidates ) self.P_out_new = self.evaluator.df_apply(pd.DataFrame(self.P_new))
############################################################### def hybrid_score(E, V): return V + E / sum(E) def select_newSamp(p_r, N, candidates, verbose=False): N = np.append(N, [p_r], axis=0) max_dist = 0 if verbose == True: print(len(candidates[1:, :])) for c in candidates[1:, :]: d = 0 for n in N: d = d + np.linalg.norm(c - n) if d > max_dist: max_dist = d max_cand = c return max_cand def MC_Voronoi_estimate(P, problem): # P are the existing points # initialize arrays V_P = np.zeros( [ len(P), ] ) # Vector of all Voronoi sample estimates # per existing point collect randomly selected 100 points S = dist_sampler( lhs, problem, 500 ) # for now 100 random samples per point to estimate Voronoi cell for s in S.values: d = np.inf ind = 0 for p in P: if np.linalg.norm(p - s) < d: d = np.linalg.norm(p - s) ind_fin = ind ind = ind + 1 V_P[ind_fin] = V_P[ind_fin] + 1 / len(S) # plt.plot(S.values[:, 0], S.values[:, 1], 'x') return V_P, S def LOLA_estimate(N_P, P, model, scaler, scaler_out): # N_P is a 3-D array with all neighbors for each sample (mxdx#samples) # S_P is a 1_D array with the neighborhood score for all samples # P is the array including all samples n = len(P) ind = 0 E = np.empty( [ n, ] ) for p_r in P: grad = Gradient_estimation( N_P[:, :, ind], p_r, model, scaler=scaler, scaler_out=scaler_out ) E[ind] = Nonlinearity_measure( grad, N_P[:, :, ind], p_r, model, scaler=scaler, scaler_out=scaler_out ) ind = ind + 1 return E def update_Neighborhood(N_P, P, S_P, P_new): # this function tries to add one new sample p_new to all of the existing neighborhoods # S is the neighborhood score # N_P are the associated neighbors of all points in P # P is the matrix of reference points # p_new the candidate if np.ndim(P) == 1: P = np.expand_dims(P, axis=0) N_P = np.reshape(N_P, (len(N_P[:, 0]), len(N_P[0, :]), 1)) S_P = np.expand_dims(S_P, axis=0) if np.ndim(P_new) == 1: P_new = np.expand_dims(P_new, axis=0) m = 2 * len(P[0, :]) ind = 0 for p_new in P_new: for p_r in P: if sum(p_r == p_new) < len(P[0, :]): N_temp = np.dstack([N_P[:, :, ind]] * m) S_temp = np.zeros( [ m, ] ) for i in range(m): # replace one sample with the new one if sum(sum(N_temp[:, :, i] == p_new)) < len(P[0, :]): N_temp[i, :, i] = p_new else: pass # compute neighborhood score for all possible combinations S_temp[i] = Neighborhood_score(N_temp[:, :, i], p_r) # if neighborhood score is better than the score without the new sample, update the neighborhood ind_min = np.argmin(S_temp) # print(ind_min) # print(S_temp) N_P[:, :, ind] = N_temp[:, :, ind_min] S_P[ind] = S_temp[ind_min] ind = ind + 1 else: pass # print(N_P[:,:,1]) return N_P, S_P def init_Neighborhood(P, P_new=None, verbose=False): # P is the matrix with all samples # pnew optional if the neighborhood for new samples shall be computed # for now dim(pnew)=1 is assumed m = 2 * len(P[0, :]) # number of samples in neighborhood d = len(P[0, :]) # number of dimensions if np.any(P_new == None): # case I: first initialization after static sampling n = len(P) # number of samples N_P = np.empty([m, d, n]) S_P = np.empty( [ n, ] ) P_ref = ( P * 1.0 ) # array of all samples to be considered as reference in the next for loop else: # case II: initialize neighborhoods of new samples p_new if np.ndim(P_new) == 1: if verbose == True: print("ndim") P_ref = np.expand_dims(P_new, axis=0) else: P_ref = P_new * 1.0 n_new = len(P_ref) # number of new samples N_P = np.empty([m, d, n_new]) S_P = np.empty( [ n_new, ] ) for i in range(len(P_ref)): mask = P != P_ref[i, :] P_NoRefPoint = P[mask[:, 0], :] N_P[:, :, i] = P_NoRefPoint[0:m, :] S_P[i] = Neighborhood_score(N_P[:, :, i], P_ref[i, :]) ind = 0 for p_cand in P: ind += 1 # at the moment p_new to in P --> only 1 p_new allowed N_P, S_P = update_Neighborhood(N_P, P_ref, S_P, p_cand) if verbose == True: print("Neighborhood initiated!") return N_P, S_P def Neighborhood_score(N, p_r): # To Do: make it possible to have 3D arrays as inputs # N is the neighborhood # P_cand should have m entries m = len(N) # initialize arrays Dist_cand = np.empty( [ m, ] ) minDist = np.empty( [ m, ] ) # compute distance matrix C = 0 for i in range(m): C = C + np.linalg.norm(N[i, :] - p_r) C = C / m for i in range(m): for j in range(m): if i == j: pass else: Dist_cand[i] = np.linalg.norm(N[i, :] - N[j, :]) minDist[i] = min(Dist_cand) A = 1 / m * sum(minDist) R = A / (np.sqrt(2) * C) return R / C def Gradient_estimation(N, p_r, model, scaler, scaler_out): m = len(N) d = len(p_r) P_mat = np.empty([m, d]) F_mat = np.empty( [ m, ] ) for i in range(m): P_mat[i, :] = N[i, :] - p_r if scaler == None: F_mat[i] = model.predict([N[i, :]]) else: F_mat[i] = scaler_out.inverse_transform( model.predict(scaler.transform([N[i, :]])) ) # grad = np.linalg.solve(P_mat,F_mat.reshape((len(F_mat),1))) grad = np.linalg.lstsq(P_mat, np.transpose(F_mat), rcond=None)[0].reshape((1, d)) return [grad] def Nonlinearity_measure(grad, N, p_r, model, scaler, scaler_out): E = 0 for i in range(len(N)): if scaler == None: E = E + abs( model.predict([N[i, :]]) - (model.predict([p_r]) +, (N[i, :] - p_r))) ) else: E = E + abs( scaler_out.inverse_transform(model.predict(scaler.transform([N[i, :]]))) - ( scaler_out.inverse_transform(model.predict(scaler.transform([p_r]))) +, (N[i, :] - p_r)) ) ) return E def containedin_Voronoi(p_r, P, samples): mask = P != p_r P_temp = P[mask[:, 0], :] candidates = np.empty([1, len(P[0, :])]) for s in samples.values: for p_j in P_temp: if np.linalg.norm(s - p_j) <= np.linalg.norm(s - p_r): break else: continue if np.all(p_j == P[-1]): candidates = np.append(candidates, [s], axis=0) return candidates