Fit feedforward Neural Network model

import warnings

import chart_studio
from besos import eppy_funcs as ef, sampling
from besos.evaluator import EvaluatorEP, EvaluatorGeneric
from besos.problem import EPProblem
from chart_studio import plotly as py
from plotly import graph_objs as go
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV, train_test_split
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

from parameter_sets import parameter_set

We begin by: + getting a predefined list of 7 parameters from + making these into a problem with electricty use as the objective + and making an evaluator using the default EnergyPlus building.

parameters = parameter_set(7)
problem = EPProblem(parameters, ["Electricity:Facility"])
building = ef.get_building()
evaluator = EvaluatorEP(problem, building)

Then we get 20 samples across this design space and evaluate them.

inputs = sampling.dist_sampler(sampling.lhs, problem, 20)
outputs = evaluator.df_apply(inputs)
HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, description='Executing', max=20.0, style=ProgressStyle(description_wid…
Conductivity Thickness U-Factor Solar Heat Gain Coefficient ElectricEquipment Lights Window to Wall Ratio
0 0.165451 0.150655 1.543389 0.759667 10.846373 14.112927 0.024352
1 0.132154 0.147326 4.990325 0.476966 12.153939 13.535152 0.253947
2 0.080456 0.190067 2.774125 0.715199 10.749949 11.099823 0.929049
3 0.033565 0.287872 0.251303 0.886388 12.717156 14.578163 0.122789
4 0.118116 0.162183 3.689406 0.619588 10.248964 13.919604 0.822831
5 0.104531 0.127132 4.077076 0.528881 12.324394 14.488989 0.670414
6 0.196692 0.139876 0.506217 0.030411 11.374182 11.665950 0.375758
7 0.144890 0.267075 4.432675 0.172185 13.053027 10.926282 0.750233
8 0.085398 0.102225 1.615485 0.298316 10.455626 12.998602 0.455249
9 0.188407 0.252228 2.493945 0.833956 14.747260 12.044832 0.615270
10 0.043554 0.244529 0.894356 0.324217 12.875479 10.282988 0.196747
11 0.176928 0.180441 2.198896 0.669148 14.493702 13.226416 0.343713
12 0.122820 0.110766 2.953618 0.929649 14.949231 10.096406 0.529761
13 0.155939 0.237080 0.744055 0.102866 13.478119 12.425914 0.968424
14 0.066703 0.219910 1.295623 0.554399 11.631811 14.876004 0.588699
15 0.061973 0.179125 4.654101 0.375086 11.081292 10.521093 0.717606
16 0.092996 0.276388 3.934188 0.448308 13.756615 12.745539 0.291697
17 0.154490 0.228798 3.155262 0.209700 14.145472 13.320453 0.867700
18 0.047826 0.295456 1.831015 0.117507 13.649584 11.321448 0.441672
19 0.025519 0.207379 3.353283 0.983222 11.805350 11.781888 0.105139

Train-test split

Next we split the data into a training set (80%) and a testing set (20%).

train_in, test_in, train_out, test_out = train_test_split(
    inputs, outputs, test_size=0.2

Normalization of inputs

To ensure an equal weighting of inputs and outputs in the backpropagation algorithm fitting the neural network, we have to normalize the input values. For example window-to-wall ratio is in the range of 0 to 1 while the \(W/\)m^2$ are in a range of 10 to 15. Different options for normalization exist. Here we bring all features (input variables) to have zero mean and a standarddeviation of 1. Note that we fit the normalizer on training data only.

scaler = StandardScaler()
inputs = scaler.fit_transform(X=train_in)

scaler_out = StandardScaler()
outputs = scaler_out.fit_transform(X=train_out)


Before we start fitting the NN model we define the set of hyperparameters we want to analyse in our cross-validation to optimize the model. Here, we select the number of layers of the network as well as the regularization parameter alpha as parameter value. A larger number of layers and a lower value of the regularizer lead to higher variance of the network. This may lead to overfitting. The best selection may be found using an optimizer like Bayesian Optimization. In this example we use a simple grid search.

hyperparameters = {
    "hidden_layer_sizes": (
        (len(parameters) * 16,),
        (len(parameters) * 16, len(parameters) * 16),
    "alpha": [1, 10, 10 ** 3],

neural_net = MLPRegressor(max_iter=1000, early_stopping=False)
folds = 3

Model fitting

Here, we use the NN model from ScikitLearn. In a different example we use TensorFlow (with and without the Keras wrapper).

clf = GridSearchCV(neural_net, hyperparameters, iid=True, cv=folds)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=FutureWarning), outputs.ravel())

print(f"Best performing model $R^2$ score on training set: {clf.best_score_}")
print(f"Model $R^2$ parameters: {clf.best_params_}")
    f"Best performing model $R^2$ score on a separate test set: {clf.best_estimator_.score(scaler.transform(test_in), scaler_out.transform(test_out))}"
Best performing model $R^2$ score on training set: 0.7459884525525834
Model $R^2$ parameters: {'alpha': 1, 'hidden_layer_sizes': (112, 112)}
Best performing model $R^2$ score on a separate test set: 0.9416874254967937

Surrogate Modelling Evaluator object

We can wrap the fitted model in a BESOS Evaluator. This has identical behaviour to the original EnergyPlus Evaluator object.

def evaluation_func(ind, scaler=scaler):
    ind = scaler.transform(X=[ind])
    return (scaler_out.inverse_transform(clf.predict(ind))[0],)

NN_SM = EvaluatorGeneric(evaluation_func, problem)

This has identical behaviour to the original EnergyPlus Evaluator object. In the next cells we generate a single input sample and evaluate it using the surrogate model and EnergyPlus.

sample = sampling.dist_sampler(sampling.lhs, problem, 1)
values = sample.values[0]
[ 0.11669079  0.17961374  4.25848042  0.13397506 10.48584932 10.17177171

Running a large surrogate evaluation

inputs = sampling.dist_sampler(sampling.lhs, problem, 5000)
outputs = NN_SM.df_apply(inputs)
results = inputs.join(outputs)
HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, description='Executing', max=5000.0, style=ProgressStyle(description_w…
Conductivity Thickness U-Factor Solar Heat Gain Coefficient ElectricEquipment Lights Window to Wall Ratio Electricity:Facility
0 0.092928 0.238438 4.718053 0.301978 14.540408 13.699712 0.718998 2.198494e+09
1 0.127584 0.228582 0.544851 0.249709 11.915124 13.472015 0.221293 2.061339e+09
2 0.039634 0.158802 3.416324 0.086649 11.756280 10.131401 0.758322 1.823225e+09
3 0.175974 0.152255 4.880733 0.328792 12.571576 10.447726 0.787714 1.922154e+09
4 0.192895 0.221227 4.634923 0.534569 12.375788 14.908257 0.197574 2.200912e+09

    username="besos", api_key="Kb2G2bjOh5gmwh1Midwq"
df = inputs.round(3)

# generate list if dictionaries
l = list()
for i in df.columns:
    l.extend([dict(label=i, values=df[i])])

l.extend([dict(label=outputs.columns[0], values=outputs.round(-5))])

data = [
            colorscale=[[0, "#D7C16B"], [0.5, "#23D8C3"], [1, "#F3F10F"]],

layout = go.Layout(plot_bgcolor="#E5E5E5", paper_bgcolor="#E5E5E5")

fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
py.iplot(fig, filename="parcoords-basic")