
Functions related to under-the-hood interactions with energyplus.

eplus_funcs.get_ep_path(idf_version, ep_path=None)[source]

get EnergyPlus installation path by idf_version :param idf_version: idf_version of EnergyPlus :param ep_path: Optional - path to EnergyPlus if installed in different location then expected :returns: (path to EnergyPlus executable, path to EnergyPlus)


Get energyplus version from idf or json building :param building: IDF object to find version of. :returns: String of version (ex. ‘9.3.0’)


Get energyplus version from idf or epJSON path :param path: Path to idf to epJSON file. :returns: String of version (ex. ‘9.3.0’)

eplus_funcs.has_hvac_templates(building) bool[source]

Returns whether or not the building contains HVACTemplate objects https://bigladdersoftware.com/epx/docs/8-0/input-output-reference/page-061.html




True if at leas one HVACTemplate object is present in the building.

eplus_funcs.run_building(building, out_dir=None, version=None, **eplus_args)[source]

Run energy plus on a building object and return results :param building_path: Path to building file :param out_dir: Path to store EnergyPlus output files, if out_dir is not defined the results will not be saved :param version: Version of building file :param ep_path: Path to EnergyPlus if installed in unexpected directory :param expand_objects: Boolean if ‘–expandobjects’ option to be appended to command :returns: A dictionary of EnergyPlus outputs

eplus_funcs.run_energyplus(building_path: Union[PathLike, str], out_dir: Optional[Union[PathLike, str]] = None, epw: Union[PathLike, str] = '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/besos/envs/latest/lib/python3.7/site-packages/besos/data/example_epw.epw', err_dir: Union[PathLike, str] = PosixPath('/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/besos/checkouts/latest/docs/BESOS_Errors'), schema_file=None, error_mode='Silent', version=None, ep_path=None, expand_objects: bool = False, *, stdout_mode='Silent')[source]

Run EnergyPlus. This method is intended to work as similar to the cli tool as possible :param building_path: Path to building file :param out_dir: Path to store EnergyPlus output files :param epw: Path to epw file :param err_dir: Path to store EnergyPlus error files :param schema_file: Path to data dictionary for EnergyPlus :param stdout_mode: Stdout mode selection, options are “Verbose” and “Silent” :param error_mode: Error mode selection :param version: Version of building file :param ep_path: Path to EnergyPlus if installed in unexpected directory :param expand_objects: Boolean if ‘–expandobjects’ option to be appended :param stdout_mode: Stdout mode selection. One of {“Silent”, “Verbose”} raise warning otherwise.

Silent: EnergyPlus stdout output is suppressed. This is the default. Verbose: EnergyPlus output is printed to stdout.

