
Descriptors specify what kinds of values are valid for a parameter. There are currently, 2 variants: RangeParameter and CategoryParameter.
(Note that even though their names end with Parameter, they are actually descriptors, not parameters.)
from besos.parameters import (
from besos.problem import Problem
from besos import sampling
from besos.evaluator import EvaluatorGeneric


\(min \leq x \leq max\)

zero_to_one_exclusive = RangeParameter(min_val=0.01, max_val=0.99)


A list of options.

text_example = CategoryParameter(options=["a", "b", "c", "other"])
single_digit_integers = CategoryParameter(options=range(10))


These descriptors can be used to make Parameters. Then we can generate samples.

parameters = [
    Parameter(value_descriptors=zero_to_one_exclusive, name="0-1"),
    Parameter(value_descriptors=single_digit_integers, name="single digit"),
    Parameter(value_descriptors=text_example, name="text"),
problem = Problem(parameters, outputs=["output"])

samples = sampling.dist_sampler(sampling.lhs, problem, num_samples=10)
0-1 single digit text
0 0.731019 3 other
1 0.445608 5 b
2 0.347260 6 b
3 0.182080 9 a
4 0.213295 2 c
5 0.896126 1 c
6 0.578084 7 a
7 0.067447 4 other
8 0.811553 8 a
9 0.647950 0 other


Since we did not specify selectors for the parameters, we cannot evaluate them using an EnergyPlus simulation. Instead, we will use a custom evaluation function.

def evaluation_function(values):
    x, y, z = values
    if z == "other":
        return (x,)
        return (x * y,)

evaluator = EvaluatorGeneric(evaluation_function, problem)
# The evaluator will use this objective by default
outputs = evaluator.df_apply(samples, keep_input=True)
# outputs is a pandas dataframe with one column since only one objective was requested
HBox(children=(FloatProgress(value=0.0, description='Executing', max=10.0, style=ProgressStyle(description_wid…
0-1 single digit text output
0 0.731019 3 other 0.731019
1 0.445608 5 b 2.228040
2 0.347260 6 b 2.083560
3 0.182080 9 a 1.638716
4 0.213295 2 c 0.426590
5 0.896126 1 c 0.896126
6 0.578084 7 a 4.046588
7 0.067447 4 other 0.067447
8 0.811553 8 a 6.492422
9 0.647950 0 other 0.647950