Source code for IDF_class

"""Enables some geomeppy based functionality on idf objects"""

# External Libraries
from geomeppy import view_geometry, recipes, IDF as geomeppy_idf
from numpy import sin, cos, deg2rad
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection

    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # noqa
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except (ImportError, RuntimeError):
    # this isn't always needed so we can ignore if it's not present

[docs]class IDF(geomeppy_idf): """Adding some class functions to help with Geomeppy"""
[docs] def read(self): """don't need to use allcaps to search for items in idfobjects.""" class AllCapsDict(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): return super().__getitem__(key.upper()) super().read() self.idfobjects = AllCapsDict(self.idfobjects)
[docs] def relative_to_world_coords(self): """translates all surfaces, subsurfaces, shadings and daylighting reference points to world coordinates""" relative_to_world_coords(self)
[docs] def remove_windows(self, orientation=None): """removes windows with respect to orientation Note: default is ALL directions """ remove_windows(self, orientation)
[docs] def add_overhangs(self, depth, tilt=90, orientation=None, transmittance=""): """Set the overhang shading on all external windows by creating a SHADING:ZONE:DETAILED object which can be viewed using geomeppy's view_model() function. Note: Depth must be greater than 0 :param depth: The depth of the overhang {m}. :param tilt: Tilt Angle from Window/Door {deg}. :param orientation: One of "north", "east", "south", "west". Walls within 45 degrees will be affected. :param Transmittance: Transmittance Schedule Name. """ add_overhangs(self, depth, tilt, orientation, transmittance)
[docs] def remove_shading(self, orientation=None): """removes shading surfaces with respect to orientation Note: default is ALL directions """ remove_shading(self, orientation)
# def translate_to_origin(self): # """Translates building so it is touching the origin # Note: overrides Geomeppy's translate_to_origin() # """ # translate_to_origin(self)
[docs] def view_model(self): """automatically checks if the idf is in Relative or World coordinates""" ggr = self.idfobjects["GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES"][0] if ggr.Coordinate_System == "Relative": return relative_coordinates_model(self) return view_idf(self)
[docs]def view_idf(idf): # type: (IDF) -> None """Display an IDF for inspection.""" fig = plt.figure() # create the figure and add the surfaces ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d") collections = view_geometry._get_collections(idf, opacity=0.5) for c in collections: ax.add_collection3d(c) # calculate and set the axis limits limits = view_geometry._get_limits(idf=idf) ax.set_xlim(limits["x"]) ax.set_ylim(limits["y"]) ax.set_zlim(limits["z"]) fig = plt.gcf() return fig, ax
[docs]def remove_shading(idf, orientation=None): """removes fins and overhangs from the idf Note: cannot differentiate between fins and overhangs. :param: orientation: compass direction with respect to building azimuth """ from eppy.bunch_subclass import BadEPFieldError # orientation to degrees orientations = { "north": 0.0, "east": 90.0, "south": 180.0, "west": 270.0, None: None, } degrees = orientations.get(orientation, None) external_walls = filter( lambda x: x.Outside_Boundary_Condition.lower() == "outdoors", idf.getsurfaces("wall"), ) external_walls = list( filter(lambda x: recipes._has_correct_orientation(x, degrees), external_walls) ) windows = idf.getsubsurfaces("window") windows_walls = [] for wall in external_walls: for window in windows: if window.Building_Surface_Name == wall.Name: windows_walls.append(window) windows_walls.append(wall) shading = idf.getshadingsurfaces() to_remove = [ "Shading:Site:Detailed", "Shading:Building:Detailed", ] # objects mentioned do not contain fins and overhangs for shade in list(shading): if shade.obj[0] in to_remove: shading.remove(shade) for surface in windows_walls: for shade in list(shading): try: if shade.Base_Surface_Name == surface.Name: idf.removeidfobject(shade) shading.remove(shade) except BadEPFieldError: if shade.Window_or_Door_Name == surface.Name: idf.removeidfobject(shade) shading.remove(shade) except BadEPFieldError: raise BadEPFieldError( "unable to find field Base_Surface_Name and Window_or_Door_Name" )
[docs]def relative_to_world_coords(idf): """translates all surfaces, subsurfaces and daylighting reference points to world coordinates and then sets global geometry rules coordinate systems to "World" """ # requires from tqdm.notebook import tqdm shading = idf.idfobjects["SHADING:ZONE:DETAILED"] windows = idf.getsubsurfaces("window") surfaces = idf.getsurfaces() zones = idf.idfobjects["ZONE"] daylighting_refs = idf.idfobjects["DAYLIGHTING:REFERENCEPOINT"] for zone in tqdm(zones, desc="Relative to World Coordinates"): x, y, z = zone.X_Origin, zone.Y_Origin, zone.Z_Origin if zone.Direction_of_Relative_North == 180: x, y, z = -zone.X_Origin, -zone.Y_Origin, zone.Z_Origin zone_coords = (x, y, z) for surface in surfaces: coords = surface.coords if surface.Zone_Name == zone.Name: new_coords = recipes.translate_coords(coords, zone_coords) for window in windows: if window.Building_Surface_Name == surface.Name: win_coords = recipes.translate_coords( window.coords, zone_coords ) window.setcoords(win_coords) for shade in shading: if shade.Base_Surface_Name == surface.Name: shade_coords = recipes.translate_coords( shade.coords, zone_coords ) shade.setcoords(shade_coords) surface.setcoords(new_coords) for point in daylighting_refs: if point.Zone_Name == zone.Name: point.XCoordinate_of_Reference_Point += zone.X_Origin point.YCoordinate_of_Reference_Point += zone.Y_Origin point.ZCoordinate_of_Reference_Point += zone.Z_Origin ggr = idf.idfobjects["GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES"][0] ggr.Coordinate_System = "World" ggr.Daylighting_Reference_Point_Coordinate_System = "World" ggr.Rectangular_Surface_Coordinate_System = "World"
[docs]def add_overhangs(idf, depth=float, tilt=90, orientation=None, Transmittance=""): # uses """Set the overhang shading on all external windows by creating a SHADING:ZONE:DETAILED object which can be viewed using geomeppy's view_model() function. Note: Depth must be greater than 0 :param idf: The IDF to edit. :param depth: The depth of the overhang {m}. :param tilt: Tilt Angle from Window/Door {deg}. :param orientation: One of "north", "east", "south", "west". Walls within 45 degrees will be affected. :param Transmittance: Transmittance Schedule Name. """ try: ggr = idf.idfobjects["GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES"][0] # type: Optional[Idf_MSequence] except IndexError: ggr = None # orientation to degrees orientations = { "north": 0.0, "east": 90.0, "south": 180.0, "west": 270.0, None: None, } degrees = orientations.get(orientation, None) external_walls = filter( lambda x: x.Outside_Boundary_Condition.lower() == "outdoors", idf.getsurfaces("wall"), ) external_walls = list( filter(lambda x: recipes._has_correct_orientation(x, degrees), external_walls) ) windows = idf.getsubsurfaces("window") for wall in external_walls: for window in windows: if window.Building_Surface_Name == wall.Name: coords = [window.coords[0]] x, y, z = window.coords[1] coords.append( ( x + depth * sin(deg2rad(window.azimuth)) * sin(deg2rad(tilt)), y + depth * cos(deg2rad(window.azimuth)) * sin(deg2rad(tilt)), window.coords[0][2] - depth * cos(deg2rad(tilt)), ) ) x, y, z = window.coords[2] coords.append( ( x + depth * sin(deg2rad(window.azimuth)) * sin(deg2rad(tilt)), y + depth * cos(deg2rad(window.azimuth)) * sin(deg2rad(tilt)), window.coords[3][2] - depth * cos(deg2rad(tilt)), ) ) coords.append(window.coords[3]) Shade = idf.newidfobject( "SHADING:ZONE:DETAILED", Name="%s - Overhang" % window.Name, Transmittance_Schedule_Name=Transmittance, Base_Surface_Name=window.Building_Surface_Name, ) Shade.setcoords(coords, ggr)
[docs]def translate_to_origin(idf): # type: (IDF) -> None """Move an IDF so the building touches the origin. :param idf: The IDF to edit. """ from geomeppy.geom.polygons import Polygon3D surfaces = idf.getsurfaces() daylighting_refs = idf.idfobjects["DAYLIGHTING:REFERENCEPOINT"] zones = idf.idfobjects["ZONE"] min_y = min(min(Polygon3D(s.coords).ys) for s in surfaces) surfaces = filter(lambda x: min(Polygon3D(x.coords).ys) == min_y, surfaces) min_x = min(min(Polygon3D(s.coords).xs) for s in surfaces) idf.translate((-min_x, -min_y)) for point in daylighting_refs: point.XCoordinate_of_Reference_Point -= min_x point.YCoordinate_of_Reference_Point -= min_y for zone in zones: if zone.Direction_of_Relative_North == 0: zone.X_Origin -= min_x zone.Y_Origin -= min_y elif zone.Direction_of_Relative_North == 180: zone.X_Origin += min_x zone.Y_Origin += min_y for point in daylighting_refs: point.XCoordinate_of_Reference_Point -= min_x point.YCoordinate_of_Reference_Point -= min_y for zone in zones: if zone.Direction_of_Relative_North == 0: zone.X_Origin -= min_x zone.Y_Origin -= min_y elif zone.Direction_of_Relative_North == 180: zone.X_Origin += min_x zone.Y_Origin += min_y
[docs]def relative_coordinates_model(building): # uses """translates RELATIVE coordinates of building surfaces to be viewed using view_model() function without altering original idf. Note: Does not correctly display after using geomeppy's rotate() function :param: building: The building we want displayed with RELATIVE coordinates """ from copy import deepcopy # creates a copy of the building so it doesn't edit original idf idf = deepcopy(building) relative_to_world_coords(idf) idf.translate_to_origin() return idf.view_model()
[docs]def remove_windows(idf, orientation=None): # uses """removes windows from the idf :param: orientation: compass direction with respect to building north """ # orientation to degrees orientations = { "north": 0.0, "east": 90.0, "south": 180.0, "west": 270.0, None: None, } degrees = orientations.get(orientation, None) external_walls = filter( lambda x: x.Outside_Boundary_Condition.lower() == "outdoors", idf.getsurfaces("wall"), ) external_walls = list( filter(lambda x: recipes._has_correct_orientation(x, degrees), external_walls) ) windows = idf.idfobjects["FENESTRATIONSURFACE:DETAILED"] external_wall_names = [wall.Name for wall in external_walls] for window in list(windows): if window.Building_Surface_Name in external_wall_names: idf.removeidfobject(window)
"""Some epJSON model viewing""" def _get_collections(building, opacity=0.5): """Set up 3D collections for each surface type.""" if isinstance(building, dict): surfaces = building.get("BuildingSurface:Detailed", {}) fenestrations = building.get("FenestrationSurface:Detailed", {}) shading_surfaces = building.get("Shading:Zone:Detailed", {}) else: surfaces = building["BuildingSurface:Detailed"] fenestrations = building["FenestrationSurface:Detailed"] shading_surfaces = building["Shading:Zone:Detailed"] # set up the collections walls = _get_collection("wall", surfaces, opacity, facecolor="lightyellow") floors = _get_collection("floor", surfaces, opacity, facecolor="dimgray") roofs = _get_collection("roof", surfaces, opacity, facecolor="firebrick") shading = _get_collection( "shading", shading_surfaces, opacity, facecolor="darkolivegreen" ) windows = _get_windows("window", fenestrations, opacity, facecolor="cornflowerblue") return walls, roofs, floors, shading, windows def _get_collection(surface_type, surfaces, opacity, facecolor, edgecolors="black"): """Make collections from a list of EnergyPlus surfaces.""" coords = [] for surface in surfaces: if surface_type == "shading": surface_coords = [] for v_name in surfaces[surface]["vertices"]: vertices = list(point for vertex, point in v_name.items()) surface_coords.append(tuple(vertices)) coords.append(surface_coords) elif ( surfaces[surface]["surface_type"] and surfaces[surface]["surface_type"].lower() == surface_type.lower() ): surface_coords = [] for v_name in surfaces[surface]["vertices"]: vertices = list(point for vertex, point in v_name.items()) surface_coords.append(tuple(vertices)) coords.append(surface_coords) trimmed_coords = [c for c in coords if c] # dump any empty surfaces collection = Poly3DCollection( trimmed_coords, alpha=opacity, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolors=edgecolors ) return collection def _get_windows(surface_type, fenestrations, opacity, facecolor, edgecolors="black"): window_coords = [] for window in fenestrations: vertex_1 = list( fenestrations[window][key] for key in fenestrations[window] if "vertex_1" in key ) vertex_2 = list( fenestrations[window][key] for key in fenestrations[window] if "vertex_2" in key ) vertex_3 = list( fenestrations[window][key] for key in fenestrations[window] if "vertex_3" in key ) vertex_4 = list( fenestrations[window][key] for key in fenestrations[window] if "vertex_4" in key ) window_coords.append( [tuple(vertex_1), tuple(vertex_2), tuple(vertex_3), tuple(vertex_4)] ) trimmed_coords = [c for c in window_coords if c] # dump any empty surfaces collection = Poly3DCollection( trimmed_coords, alpha=opacity, facecolor=facecolor, edgecolors=edgecolors ) return collection def _get_limits(building): if isinstance(building, dict): surfaces = building.get("BuildingSurface:Detailed", {}) surfaces.update(building.get("Shading:Zone:Detailed", {})) else: surfaces = building["BuildingSurface:Detailed"] surfaces.update(building["Shading:Zone:Detailed"]) x_coords = [] y_coords = [] z_coords = [] for surface in surfaces: vertices = surfaces[surface]["vertices"] for point in vertices: x_coords.append(point["vertex_x_coordinate"]) y_coords.append(point["vertex_y_coordinate"]) z_coords.append(point["vertex_z_coordinate"]) delta = max( (max(x_coords) - min(x_coords)), (max(y_coords) - min(y_coords)), (max(z_coords) - min(z_coords)), ) x_max = min(x_coords) + delta y_max = min(y_coords) + delta z_max = min(z_coords) + delta return { "x": (min(x_coords), x_max), "y": (min(y_coords), y_max), "z": (min(z_coords), z_max), } def view_epJSON(building): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection="3d") collections = _get_collections(building, opacity=0.5) for c in collections: ax.add_collection3d(c) limits = _get_limits(building) ax.set_xlim(limits["x"]) ax.set_ylim(limits["y"]) ax.set_zlim(limits["z"]) return fig, ax