Source code for pyehub_funcs

Helper functions for interacting with PyEHub.

# Python Core Libraries
import operator
from functools import reduce
from typing import List

# External Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyehub
from deprecated import deprecated
from pyehub.energy_hub.ehub_model import EHubModel

# BESOS Imports
from besos import config

"""This file is a collection of functions to interact with PyEHub."""

# TODO: replace back with yaml loader?
def get_xlsx(excel_file: str = config.files.get("xlsx")):
    return excel_file

[docs]def get_hub(): """Generates the base PyEHub model from the excel file.""" # could check the settings to see what type of ehub model to create data_file = get_xlsx() model = pyehub.energy_hub.EHubModel(excel=data_file) return model
[docs]def get_by_path(root, items): """Access a nested object in root by item sequence. Used to navigate PyEHub's not flat dict.""" # TODO: inset try statement here iscase the parameter doesn't exist to fail gracefully return reduce(operator.getitem, items, root)
[docs]def set_by_path(root, items, value): """Set a value in a nested object in root by item sequence. Used to set values in PyEHub's not flat dict.""" get_by_path(root, items[:-1])[items[-1]] = value
# TODO: Is this really needed? Can we just use the transformation function?
[docs]@deprecated( version="2.0.0", reason="Function re-implements the evaluator's set phase, " "and cannot handle parameters with multiple inputs.", ) def pyehub_parameter_editor( hub, parameters: List["parameters.Parameter"], values: list ): """Changes the __dict__ of the energy hub for the parameters specified on initialization with the values given to evaluator.""" for (parameter, value) in zip(parameters, values): parameter.selector.set(hub, value)
def _split_EP_days(hourly_series): """ Splits the hourly series of EP simulations that simulate multiple days in different seasons into specific energyhub time series. """ # TODO: replace with a better loop of checking for the number of hours in the series and splitting better result1 = hourly_series.head(24) result1 = result1.reset_index() result2 = hourly_series.tail(24) result2 = result2.reset_index() return result1, result2 # TODO:
[docs]def ep_to_eh(input, index_size): """ Converts EnergyPlus evaluator outputs to PyEHub compatible inputs. """ # TODO: Needs to be finished input_dict = input.to_dict() # Need to have a better joining on index for the pandas dataframe instead of appending # (difficulties to be noted with inserting dictionaries into cells) columnnames = [] for j in input_dict: columnnames.append(j) # 2x for the number of seasons in the splitting will need to have some value stored from # the smarter splitting or make an easy spot to modify a value that propigates through the whole system. # if using the input for the function # index_size *=2 # which should be something that does this # index_size = len(EPdf)*2 # df_input = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, index=range(0,index_size), columns=columnnames) df_input = pd.DataFrame(columns=columnnames) for objective in input_dict: for series in input_dict[objective]: result = input_dict[objective][series].to_frame() # TODO: make a more genaric splitting process cold_result, warm_result = _split_EP_days(result) # TODO: make a more generic unit conversion function # 3.6 Megajoules per kWh cold_result = cold_result / 3600000 warm_result = warm_result / 3600000 cold_dict = cold_result.to_dict() cold_dict = cold_dict["Value"] warm_dict = warm_result.to_dict() warm_dict = warm_dict["Value"] cold_input = [cold_dict] warm_input = [warm_dict] temp_df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.array(cold_input), columns=[j]) temp_df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.array(warm_input), columns=[j]) # instead of appending I can edit the value of the specific cell with the input # (ah that gets difficult with dictionaries) #[i, j] = [cold_dict] # df_input.iloc[i+len(EPdf), df_input.columns.get_loc(j)] = warm_dict # could do some sort of join on the df_input = pd.concat([df_input, temp_df1], ignore_index=True) df_input = pd.concat([df_input, temp_df2], ignore_index=True) return df_input