Source code for problem

Classes used to bundle the parameters, objectives and constraints,
and to manage operations that involve all of them at once,
such as converting data related to the problem to a DataFrame.

# Python Core Libraries
import warnings
from typing import Union, List, Dict, Callable, Iterable

# External Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import platypus

# BESOS Imports
from besos import IO_Objects
from besos import config
from besos import objectives
from besos import parameters
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

# TODO: Consider storing the constraint bounds with the constraints themselves, not in the problem
# also consider storing the direction of optimisation inside the objectives
# might be able to inherit some of the constraint parsing from platypus, not sure if that is worth the hassle
[docs]class Problem(IO_Objects.ReprMixin): """ A class that collects all of the inputs, outputs and constraints related to a model. Problems track what inputs are valid, and how to apply those inputs to a model. It tracks constraint bounds. Automatically converts certain shortcut notation: - Strings become name only Parameters - Integers become that many numbered Parameters Gives access to names of all parts of the problem Resolves duplicate names Converts numpy arrays to a DataFrame matching the format of the problem or some combination pieces of the format (ex: only inputs and constraints) Can convert to a platypus Problem (which lacks an evaluation function). """ valid_parts: List[str] = ["inputs", "outputs", "constraints", "violation"] default_converters = { "outputs": IO_Objects.Objective, "constraints": IO_Objects.Objective, } def __init__( self, inputs: Union[int, List[Union[str, parameters.Parameter]]] = None, outputs: Union[int, List[Union[str, IO_Objects.Objective]]] = None, constraints: Union[int, List[Union[str, IO_Objects.Objective]]] = None, add_outputs: Union[int, List[Union[str, IO_Objects.Objective]]] = None, *, constraint_bounds: List[str] = None, minimize_outputs: List[bool] = None, converters: Dict[str, Callable[[str], IO_Objects.IOBase]] = None, ): """ :param inputs: A list of Parameters, or an integer. If a list is used, strings are converted to Parameters and this list determines the valid inputs. If an integer, this problem accepts that many inputs. :param outputs: A list of Objectives, or an integer. If a list is used, strings are converted to Objectives and this list determines the valid inputs. If an integer, this problem requires that many outputs :param constraints: A list of Objectives to be used as constraints, or an integer. If a list is used, strings are converted to Objectives and this list determines the valid inputs. If an integer, this problem requires that many constraints. :param add_outputs: Outputs that don't need to be optimized in optimization algorithm :param constraint_bounds: a list of platypus-style constraint bounds, such as "<=750". These are used when converting constraints for use with platypus. Check the platypus documentation for more details. :param minimize_outputs: A list with true/false values corresponding to each output. Outputs having a corresponding value of True will be minimized, while outputs having a corresponding value of False will be maximized instead. :param converters: A dictionary with keys from {"outputs", "constraints"} where values indicate how to convert those kinds of values to appropriate objectives/constraints for this problem. """ super().__init__() # TODO remove self.converters, use as an argument instead self.converters = converters or self.default_converters extra_keys = set(self.converters.keys()) - set(self.valid_parts) if extra_keys: raise ValueError( f"The keys {extra_keys} are not valid for this Problem. Only {self.valid_parts} are valid" ) self.parameters = self._io_to_list(inputs, "inputs") self.value_descriptors = self._get_descriptors(self.parameters) self.outputs = self._io_to_list(outputs, "outputs") self.add_outputs = self._io_to_list(add_outputs, "outputs") self.add_outputs_list = None # TODO: Move this information to the output objects self.minimize_outputs = minimize_outputs or [True] * self.num_outputs msg = "outputs and minimize_outputs must have the same length" assert len(self.minimize_outputs) == self.num_outputs, msg self.constraints = self._io_to_list(constraints, "constraints") # TODO: consider using platypus's constraints here self.constraint_bounds = constraint_bounds or [] msg = "constraints and constraint_bounds must have the same length" assert len(self.constraint_bounds) == self.num_constraints, msg self.fix_names() self._add_repr("inputs", "parameters", check=True) self._add_reprs( [ "outputs", "minimize_outputs", "constraints", "constraint_bounds", "converters", ], check=True, ) @staticmethod def _get_descriptors(param_list: List[parameters.Parameter]): found = set() ordered_descriptors = [] for parameter in param_list: for descriptor in parameter.value_descriptors: if descriptor not in found: ordered_descriptors.append(descriptor) found.add(descriptor) return ordered_descriptors def fix_names(self): mapping = {} duplicates = [] for obj in self.value_descriptors + self.outputs + self.constraints: mapping[] = mapping.get(, []) + [obj] for name, objects in mapping.items(): if len(objects) != 1: duplicates.append((name, objects)) duplicates_2 = [] for name, objects in duplicates: edited_names = [] for i, obj in enumerate(objects): try: # try block in case of no selector initialized = f"{}_{obj.selector.class_name}" except: pass edited_names.append( if edited_names.count( > 1: duplicates_2.append(obj) if duplicates_2: warnings.warn( RuntimeWarning( f"Duplicate names found. (duplicate, repetitions): " f"{[(name, len(objects)) for name, objects in duplicates]}" f"\nAttempting to fix automatically" ) ) for i, obj in enumerate(duplicates_2): = f"{}_{(i+1)}" def _io_to_list(self, io_objects: Union[int, List[IO_Objects.IOBase], None], part): """Converts a list of objects to a standard form: numbered placeholders, original datatype or io_object that match the part provided. """ if io_objects is None: return [] if isinstance(io_objects, int): if part == "inputs": # this repeats the default value for a parameter with no input specified # and should probably be refactored. def constructor(name): return parameters.Parameter( value_descriptors=IO_Objects.AnyValue(name=name) ) elif part in ["outputs", "constraints"]: constructor = IO_Objects.Objective else: raise ValueError(f"Cannot produce dummy values for part {part}") return [constructor(name=f"{part}_{i}") for i in range(io_objects)] if isinstance(io_objects, (str, IO_Objects.IOBase, parameters.Parameter)): io_objects = [io_objects] return [self.convert(o, part) for o in io_objects]
[docs] def convert(self, io_object, part) -> IO_Objects.IOBase: """ :param io_object: An object that should be converted to a parameter, objective or constraint :param part: one of 'inputs', 'outputs' or 'constraints' describing what to convert `io_object` to :return: the converted object """ if isinstance(io_object, IO_Objects.IOBase): return io_object if part in self.converters: f = self.converters[part] try: return f(io_object) except TypeError as e: try: if isinstance(io_object, dict): return f(**io_object) if isinstance(io_object, Iterable): return f(*io_object) except: pass raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert {io_object} to {part}") from e return io_object
[docs] def expand_parts(self, parts: Union[str, List[str]]) -> List[str]: """Expands 'auto' and 'all' to the correct lists of parts, and wraps single parts in a list""" if parts == "auto": if self.num_constraints == 0: parts = ["inputs", "outputs"] else: parts = "all" if parts == "all": parts = self.valid_parts elif isinstance(parts, str): parts = [parts] if not set(parts) <= set(self.valid_parts): raise ValueError( f"parts must be a subset of {self.valid_parts + ['all']}, not {parts}" ) return parts
[docs] def names(self, parts: Union[str, List[str]] = "auto") -> List[str]: """ :param parts: one of {'inputs', 'outputs', 'constraints', 'violation', 'all', 'auto'} :return: the names requested """ parts = self.expand_parts(parts) names = [] for attr in parts: if attr == "inputs": attr = "value_descriptors" if attr == "violation": names.append("violation") else: part = getattr(self, attr) if part is None: raise ValueError(f"{attr} names not available") names.extend(IO_Objects.get_name(i) for i in part) return names
# TODO: Add support for pareto-optimal column # TODO: Consolidate the different to_df code (ie from
[docs] def to_df( self, table: Union[np.array, pd.DataFrame], parts: Union[str, List[str]] = "auto", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Converts the given table to a DataFrame that matches this problem's input/output format :param table: a table to be converted to a DataFrame. Must have the right number of columns. :param parts: inputs, outputs, constraints or all, depending on which data the DataFrame contains :return: A DataFrame containing the same data as the original table. """ columns = self.names(parts) types = [getattr(p, "pd_type", None) for p in self.expand_parts(parts)] if isinstance(table, pd.DataFrame): if len(table.columns) != len(columns): raise ValueError( f"columns: {columns} requested but {list(table.columns)} found" ) return table[columns] df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=columns) # TODO: Make the categorical columns have the type category instead of object (attempt commented out below) # for col, type_ in zip(df, types): # if type_: # df[col] = df[col].astype(type_) return df
def partial_df(self, table: Union[np.array, pd.DataFrame], parts="all"): parts = self.expand_parts(parts) for i in range(1, len(parts) + 1): partial_parts = parts[:i] try: return self.to_df(table, partial_parts), partial_parts except ValueError: continue raise ValueError("Could not find a matching DataFrame")
[docs] def to_platypus(self) -> platypus.Problem: """Converts this problem to a platypus problem. No evaluator will be included. :return: A corresponding platypus problem """ problem = platypus.Problem( self.num_inputs, self.num_outputs, self.num_constraints ) for i, descriptor in enumerate(self.value_descriptors): problem.types[i] = descriptor.platypus_type for i, direction in enumerate(self.minimize_outputs): problem.directions[i] = ( platypus.Problem.MINIMIZE if direction else platypus.Problem.MAXIMIZE ) for i, bound in enumerate(self.constraint_bounds): problem.constraints[i] = bound return problem
[docs] def pre_optimisation(self): """Prepare optimisation for non objectives.""" if self.add_outputs: self.add_outputs_list = []
[docs] def record_results(self, inputs, results): """Record add_outputs results""" inputs = list(inputs) for obj in self.add_outputs: inputs.append(obj(results)) self.add_outputs_list.append(inputs)
[docs] def get_non_objective(self, df): """Create a list for dataframe with add_outputs value""" l = [] for row in df.values.tolist(): for obj in self.add_outputs_list: for i in range(self.num_inputs): if row[i] != obj[i]: break if i == self.num_inputs - 1: for j in range(len(self.add_outputs)): if len(l) < j + 1: l.append([]) l[j].append(obj[i + j + 1]) return l
[docs] def overwrite_df(self, df): """Insert add_outputs' values to dataframe""" if self.add_outputs: l = self.get_non_objective(df) for i, data in enumerate(l): df.insert( len(df.columns), self.add_outputs[i].name, data, ) return df
def post_optimazation(self): self.add_outputs_list = None @property def num_inputs(self): return len(self.value_descriptors) @property def num_outputs(self): return len(self.outputs) @property def num_constraints(self): return len(self.constraints) def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__class__ is other.__class__ and self.inputs == other.inputs and self.outputs == other.outputs and self.constraints == other.constraints ) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.parameters + self.outputs + self.constraints) @property @deprecated( version="2.0", reason="Problem.inputs is ambiguous, use .value_descriptors or .parameters instead.", ) def inputs(self): return self.parameters
# TODO: consider having shortcuts for the converters instead of making this a whole different class
[docs]class EPProblem(Problem): """ A problem with defaults that are appropriate for EnergyPlus simulations Strings for objectives/constraints become a MeterReader for the meter with that name. Integers still become numbered Parameters. """ default_converters = { "outputs": objectives.MeterReader, "constraints": objectives.MeterReader, } def __init__( self, inputs=None, outputs=config.objectives, constraints=None, converters=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, constraints=constraints, converters=converters, **kwargs, )
[docs]class EHProblem(Problem): """A problem that works with PyEHub models""" # TODO: Restructure if possible to be more like other problems. def __init__( self, inputs=None, outputs=["total_cost"], constraints=None, converters=None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, constraints=constraints, converters=converters, **kwargs, ) # Overwritten functions to work with EvaluatorEH: def fix_names(self): pass