Source code for parameters

Classes used to represent the attributes of the building that can be varied,
such as the thickness of the insulation, or the window to wall ratio.
These parameters are separate from the value that they take on during any evaluation of the model.

# Python Core Libraries
import warnings
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, Union

# External Libraries
import platypus
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

# BESOS Imports
from besos import eppy_funcs as ef
from besos import pyehub_funcs as pf
from besos import besos_utils
from besos.IO_Objects import AnyValue, Descriptor, DummySelector, Selector
from besos.IO_Objects import ReprMixin
from besos.config import range_parameter as conf
from besos.errors import ModeError

[docs]class RangeParameter(Descriptor): """Represents a value that is contained in an interval. .. warning:: RangeParameter is actually a kind of :class:`Descriptor <IO_Objects.Descriptor>`, not a :class:`Parameter`. This naming may be confusing. """ pandas_type = float rbf_type = "R" def __init__( self, min_val: float = conf.get("min"), max_val: float = conf.get("max"), name="", ): """ :param max_val: the minimum value :param min_val: the maximum value """ super().__init__(name=name) if min_val > max_val: raise ValueError("minimum is larger than maximum") self.min = min_val self.max = max_val self._add_reprs(["min", "max"]) self.platypus_type = platypus.Real(self.min, self.max)
[docs] def validate(self, value: float) -> bool: """Checks if `value` is contained within the range described by this Descriptor :param value: The value to check. :return: True if the value in the range, False otherwise. """ min_ = float("-inf") if self.min is None else self.min max_ = float("inf") if self.max is None else self.max return min_ <= value <= max_
[docs] def sample(self, value: float) -> float: """Transforms a value in [0, 1] into a value in [min, max]. This transformation is uniform. :param value: a value in the interval [0, 1] :return: a value from the interval [min, max] """ return (self.max - self.min) * value + self.min
def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} [{self.min}, {self.max}]" @property def _default_name(self): return str(self)
class _Category(platypus.Subset): def __init__(self, elements): super().__init__(elements=elements, size=1) def encode(self, value): return [value] def decode(self, value): return value[0]
[docs]class CategoryParameter(Descriptor): """Represents value that is selected from a list of possible values. .. warning:: CategoryParameter is actually a kind of :class:`Descriptor <IO_Objects.Descriptor>`, not a :class:`Parameter`. This naming may be confusing. """ pandas_type = "category" def __init__(self, options: Iterable, **kwargs): """ :param options: a list of possible value this parameter can be set to """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.options = list(options) self._add_repr("options") self.platypus_type = _Category(self.options)
[docs] def validate(self, value): return value in self.options
[docs] def sample(self, value): return self.options[int(len(self.options) * value)]
# This is not a great default @property def _default_name(self): return f"Category{self.options}"
[docs]class AbstractFieldSelector(Selector, ABC): """Base class for selectors that modify one field in one or more objects in an EnergyPlus building""" def __init__(self, field_name): super().__init__() self.field_name = field_name self._add_repr("field_name")
[docs] def get(self, building) -> List: """Gets the current values of this field from a building :param building: the building to retrieve values from :return: a list containing the current values of this selector's fields """ mode = ef.get_mode(building) objects = self.get_objects(building) field_name = ef.convert_format(self.field_name, "field", mode) if mode == "idf": return [getattr(o, field_name) for o in objects] if mode == "json": return [o[field_name] for o in objects]
[docs] def set(self, building, value) -> None: """Sets this field in the building to the provided value :param building: the building to modify :param value: the value to set this field to :return: """ mode = ef.get_mode(building) objects = self.get_objects(building) field_name = ef.convert_format(self.field_name, "field", mode) if mode == "idf": for o in objects: setattr(o, field_name, value) if mode == "json": for o in objects: assert field_name in o, f"{field_name} not in {repr(o)}" o[field_name] = value
[docs] def multiply(self, building, value) -> None: """Multiplies this field in the building by the provided value :param building: the building to modify :param value: the value to multiply this field by :return: """ mode = ef.get_mode(building) objects = self.get_objects(building) field_name = ef.convert_format(self.field_name, "field", mode) if mode == "idf": for o in objects: setattr(o, field_name, value * getattr(o, field_name)) if mode == "json": for o in objects: assert field_name in o, f"{field_name} not in {repr(o)}" o[field_name] = value * o[field_name]
[docs] def add(self, building, value) -> None: """Adds to this field in the building by the provided value :param building: the building to modify :param value: the value to add to this field :return: """ mode = ef.get_mode(building) objects = self.get_objects(building) field_name = ef.convert_format(self.field_name, "field", mode) if mode == "idf": for o in objects: setattr(o, field_name, value + getattr(o, field_name)) if mode == "json": for o in objects: assert field_name in o, f"{field_name} not in {repr(o)}" o[field_name] = value + o[field_name]
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_objects(self, building) -> List: """Returns a list of the object this selector applies to :param building: the building to search for objects :return: a list of the objects this selector applies to """ pass
[docs]class FilterSelector(AbstractFieldSelector): """A selector that uses a custom function to find which objects it should modify""" def __init__(self, get_objects, field_name): """ :param get_objects: a function that takes a building and returns the objects this selector should modify :param field_name: the field to modify """ super().__init__(field_name) self._get_objects = get_objects self._add_repr("get_objects", "_get_objects")
[docs] def get_objects(self, building): return self._get_objects(building)
[docs]class FieldSelector(AbstractFieldSelector): """A selector that modifies one or more fields in an EnergyPlus building, based on the class, object and field names""" def __init__( self, class_name: str = None, object_name: str = None, field_name: str = None ): """ :param class_name: class of the object to modify ex: 'Material' :param object_name: name of the object to modify ex: 'Mass NonRes Wall Insulation' :param field_name: name of the field to modify ex: Thickness """ super().__init__(field_name=field_name) self.class_name = class_name self.object_name = object_name self._add_reprs(["class_name", "object_name"], check=True)
[docs] def get_objects(self, building) -> List: """Retrieves the objects that this selector will affect from the building. :param building: the building to search :return: a list of the objects found """ mode = ef.get_mode(building) if mode == "idf": if self.class_name is not None: class_name = ef.convert_format(self.class_name, "class", "idf") else: class_name = None if self.object_name == "*": if class_name is None: raise TypeError( "When object_name='*', class_name must be specified." ) return building.idfobjects[class_name] if self.object_name and class_name: # this is probably the most reliable way to select an idfObject. return [building.getobject(key=class_name, name=self.object_name)] if self.object_name: # There should only one object matching the name, assuming the idf is valid return [ef.get_idfobject_from_name(building, self.object_name)] if class_name is not None: # assume that we want the first object matching the key # TODO: is this specific enough, or should we remove it? our JSON code does not support this return [building.idfobjects[class_name][0]] else: # we have neither object_name nor class_name raise TypeError("Either class_name or object_name must be specified.") elif mode == "json": if self.object_name == "*": if not self.class_name: raise TypeError( "When object_name='*', class_name must be specified." ) return list(building[self.class_name].values()) if self.object_name and self.class_name: # this is probably the most reliable way to select an idfObject. return [building[self.class_name][self.object_name]] if self.object_name: # There should only one object matching the name, assuming the building is valid result = [ obj for objs in building.values() for name, obj in objs.items() if name == self.object_name ] if len(result) != 1: warnings.warn( f"found {len(result)} objects with object_name: {self.object_name}, expected 1" ) return result if self.class_name: result = list(building[self.class_name].items()) if len(result) == 1: return result raise ValueError( f"multiple objects with class_name {self.class_name}." f"Cannot guarantee a reliable ordering" ) else: # we have neither object_name nor class_name raise TypeError("Either class_name or object_name must be specified.") raise ModeError(mode)
[docs]class PathSelector(Selector): """A Selector for modifying EnergyHub objects using a path.""" def __init__(self, parameter_path=None): """ :param parameter_path: the path to the parameter to modify for the EnergyHub """ super().__init__() self.parameter_path = parameter_path
[docs] def get(self, hub): return pf.get_by_path(hub.__dict__, self.parameter_path)
[docs] def set(self, hub, value): pf.set_by_path(hub.__dict__, self.parameter_path, value)
def multiply(self, hub, value): self.set(hub, value * self.get(hub)) def add(self, hub, value): self.set(hub, value + self.get(hub))
[docs] def setup(self, hub) -> None: """Modifies the building so that it is ready for this selector""" pass
[docs]class GenericSelector(Selector): """A selector that supports custom get/set functions""" def __init__( self, set: Callable = None, get: Callable = None, setup: Callable = None ): """ :param set: The function to use when setting. Must accept a building and a value. Can modify the building in any way. :param get: The function to use when getting a value from a building. Must accept a building, and should return a list of the current values of the fields this selector affects. :param setup: The function to use when setting up the building. This function must accept a building. It may modify the building in any way. This will be run once when the evaluator is initialized with a building. (or when the building the evaluator uses is changed.) """ super().__init__() self._set = set self._get = get self._setup = setup for attr in ("set", "get", "setup"): self._add_repr(attr, f"_{attr}", True)
[docs] def set(self, building, *values): """Redirects to the custom function given. The building and values are passed to the function. :param building: the building to modify :param values: the values to use when modifying the building """ if self._set is not None: return self._set(building, *values) raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get(self, building): """A custom function for getting the current values of this field from a building :param building: the building to retrieve values from """ if self._get is not None: return self._get(building) raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def setup(self, building): """A custom function for modifying the building so that it is ready for this selector :param building: the building to modify """ if self._setup is None: return self._setup(building)
# Parameters
[docs]class Parameter(ReprMixin): def __init__( self, selector: Selector = None, value_descriptors: Union[Descriptor, List[Descriptor]] = None, name="", *, value_descriptor: Descriptor = None, ): """ :param selector: a Selector describing how to modify the building :param value_descriptors: a Descriptor specifying which values to use :param name: the name of the Parameter. Used for readability and column labelling. """ super().__init__() self.selector = selector or DummySelector() # handle old call format if value_descriptor is not None and value_descriptors is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot use both value_descriptor and value_descriptors") elif value_descriptor: warnings.warn( FutureWarning("Use value_descriptors instead of value_descriptor.") ) value_descriptors = value_descriptor # assign default value if value_descriptors is None: # no inputs is probably not useful, but an empty list allows it value_descriptors = [AnyValue()] self.value_descriptors = besos_utils.listify(value_descriptors) # handle name as input to a parameter to support old call signature if name: descriptor = self.value_descriptor if descriptor.has_default_name(): = name else: warnings.warn( UserWarning( f"This parameter's descriptor is already named " f"{}." f"The name used as an input ({name}) will be discarded." ) ) self._add_reprs(["selector", "value_descriptors"], True)
[docs] def transformation_function(self, building, value_dict) -> None: """Mutates the building based on the value provided.""" relevant_values = ( value_dict[descriptor] for descriptor in self.value_descriptors ) self.selector.set(building, *relevant_values)
[docs] @deprecated( version="2.0.0", reason="Does not support multiple descriptors per parameter." "Use the sample method of the this Parameter's Descriptor(s) instead.", ) def sample(self, value: float): """Takes a value in the range 0-1 and returns a valid value for this parameter""" return self.value_descriptor.sample(value)
[docs] @deprecated( version="2.0.0", reason="Does not support multiple Descriptors per Parameter." "Use the validate method of this Parameter's Descriptor(s) instead.", ) def validate(self, value): """Checks if value is a valid value for this parameter. :param value: :return: True if the value is valid False otherwise """ return self.value_descriptor.validate(value)
def setup(self, building) -> None: self.selector.setup(building) @property @deprecated( version="2.0.0", reason="Parameters are no longer nameable. " "Use the _default_name(s) or name(s) " "of this Parameter's Descriptor(s) instead", ) def _default_name(self) -> str: """The name to use for this Parameter if no name was provided""" if hasattr(self.selector, "field_name"): return self.selector.field_name else: warnings.warn(UserWarning, f"No name found for parameter {repr(self)}") return "Unnamed" @property @deprecated( version="2.0.0", reason="Does not support multiple Descriptors per Parameter." "Use the platypus_type of this Parameter's Descriptor(s) instead.", ) def platypus_type(self): """The platypus equivalent of this parameter""" return self.value_descriptor.platypus_type @property @deprecated( version="2.0.0", reason="Does not support multiple Descriptors per Parameter." "Use the value_descriptors of this Parameter instead.", ) def value_descriptor(self) -> Descriptor: num = len(self.value_descriptors) if num == 1: return self.value_descriptors[0] raise ValueError( f"this parameter has {num} value descriptors." "You are trying to use an outdated feature that" "assumes there is exactly one descriptor." ) @property @deprecated( version="2.0.0", reason="Parameters are no longer nameable. " "Use the name(s) of this Parameter's Descriptor(s) instead", ) def name(self) -> str: return
[docs]@deprecated( version="1.6.0", reason=( "Use a :class:`PathSelector` and a :class:`Parameter` instead. " "These have been swapped in automatically." ), ) class ParameterEH: """A parameter for use with EnergyHub""" # this method overrides the default behaviour when trying to create a new ParameterEH # instead of creating a ParameterEH, it creates a PathSelector, # puts it in a Parameter, and returns that parameter. def __new__( cls, parameter_path: List[str] = None, value_descriptor: Descriptor = None, **kwargs, ): """Swaps out the ParameterEH for a Parameter and PathSelector for backwards compatibility. :param parameter_path: the path to the parameter to modify for the EnergyHub :param value_descriptor: a Descriptor specifying which values to use :return a Parameter containing the appropriate PathSelector and descriptor. """ selector = PathSelector(parameter_path) return Parameter( selector=selector, value_descriptors=value_descriptor, **kwargs )
[docs]class wwrSelector(Selector): """ :class:`Selector <IO_Objects.Selector>` for window to wall ratio. """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def set(self, building, value): """Sets the window to wall ratio of the building to the provided value :param building: the building to modify :param value: the value of the wwr """ ef.wwr_all(building, value)
[docs] def get(self, building): # This feature has not yet been requested raise NotImplementedError( "Calculation of window to wall ratio is not supported." )
[docs] def setup(self, building) -> None: """Adjusts the building to have at most one window per wall, making it ready to have its window to wall ratio modified. :param building: The building to adjust """ ef.one_window(building)
[docs]def wwr(value_descriptor=None, **kwargs) -> Parameter: """Makes a window-to-wall-ratio parameter. :param value_descriptor: a parameter describing the valid window-wall-ratios Defaults to RangeParameter(0.01, 0.99, name="Window to Wall Ratio") :return: Parameter """ value_descriptor = value_descriptor or RangeParameter( 0.01, 0.99, name="Window to Wall Ratio" ) if isinstance(value_descriptor, RangeParameter): min_val, max_val = value_descriptor.min, value_descriptor.max if not (0 < min_val < max_val < 1): if 0 == min_val: raise ValueError("min must be strictly greater than 0") if 1 == max_val: raise ValueError("max must be strictly less than 1") raise ValueError( "Invalid min and max values. 0 < min < max < 1 must be satisfied." ) else: warnings.warn( f"wwr is intended to be used with RangeParameter. Your value_descriptor is {value_descriptor}" ) selector = wwrSelector() return Parameter(selector=selector, value_descriptors=value_descriptor, **kwargs)
# Simpler ways to get specific transformers keyFormat = Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[float, float]]] # TODO: Formalize this syntax, maybe add a guaranteed order
[docs]def expand_plist(pList: keyFormat) -> List: """This function expands a nested dictionary of the correct format into a list of inputs. The dictionary should have the format: {'idf object name': {'idf object1 property name': (min_value, max_value)} Both layers of the dictionaries can have as many names as desired""" return [ Parameter( FieldSelector(object_name=name, field_name=prop), RangeParameter(min_val=min_, max_val=max_, name=prop), ) for name, subProps in pList.items() for prop, (min_, max_) in subProps.items() ]