Source code for eplus_funcs

Functions related to under-the-hood interactions with energyplus.

# Python Core Libraries
import json
import os
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import tempfile
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

# External Libraries
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

# BESOS Imports
from besos import eppy_funcs as ef
from besos import config
from besos import objectives
from besos.errors import ModeError, InstallationError
from besos.besostypes import PathLike

# TODO: Make this a method of the building class when we add it
[docs]def get_idf_version(building): """Get energyplus version from idf or json building :param building: IDF object to find version of. :returns: String of version (ex. '9.3.0') """ mode = ef.get_mode(building) if mode == "idf": return building.idfobjects["VERSION"][0].Version_Identifier elif mode == "json": try: return building["Version"]["Version 1"]["version_identifier"] except KeyError: try: return building["epJSON_schema_version"] except: raise ModeError( mode="json", message=f"Cannot find IDF version, check epJSON formatting.", ) else: raise ModeError(mode)
[docs]def get_idf_version_pth(path): """Get energyplus version from idf or epJSON path :param path: Path to idf to epJSON file. :returns: String of version (ex. '9.3.0') """ path = str(path) version_lines = ( "" # string containing the important lines of the json file to later ) version = "" flag = False # used to save the lines following 'Version' to version_lines if path.endswith(".idf"): with open(path, "r") as read_obj: # opening idf file to read # Read all lines in the file one by one for line in read_obj: if flag: version_lines += line.rstrip( "\n" ) # adds the line after 'Version,' is seen in case of line break break # For each line, check if line contains 'Version,' if ("Version," in line or "VERSION," in line) and not line.startswith( "!" ): version_lines += line.rstrip("\n") flag = True version = ( version_lines.split(";")[0].split(",")[-1].replace(" ", "").replace("=", "") ) elif path.endswith(".epJSON"): readobj = open(path, "r") jsonText = readobj.close() jsonObj = json.loads(jsonText) try: version = jsonObj["Version"]["Version 1"]["version_identifier"] except KeyError: try: version = jsonObj["epJSON_schema_version"] except KeyError: message = f"Version object not found within epJSON file, consider updating epJSON file\nepJSON File: {path}" raise ModeError("json", message=message) return version
[docs]def has_hvac_templates(building) -> bool: """Returns whether or not the building contains HVACTemplate objects :param building: :return: True if at leas one HVACTemplate object is present in the building. """ mode = ef.get_mode(building) prefix = ef.convert_format("HVACTemplate", "class", mode) if mode == "idf": return any( k for k, v in building.idfobjects.items() if k.startswith(prefix) and v ) else: return any(k for k in building if k.startswith(prefix))
[docs]def run_building( building, out_dir=config.out_dir, version=None, **eplus_args, ): """Run energy plus on a building object and return results :param building_path: Path to building file :param out_dir: Path to store EnergyPlus output files, if out_dir is not defined the results will not be saved :param version: Version of building file :param ep_path: Path to EnergyPlus if installed in unexpected directory :param expand_objects: Boolean if '--expandobjects' option to be appended to command :returns: A dictionary of EnergyPlus outputs """ # backwards compatibility if version: warnings.warn( "the version argument is deprecated for run_building," " and will be removed in the future", FutureWarning, ) assert version == get_idf_version(building), "Incorrect version" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=Path.home(), prefix=".besos_") as temp_dir: if out_dir is None: out_dir = temp_dir try: building_path = Path(temp_dir, "in.idf").resolve() building.saveas(str(building_path)) except AttributeError: building_path = Path(temp_dir, "in.epJSON").resolve() with open(str(building_path), "w") as f: json.dump(building, f) expand_objects = has_hvac_templates(building) run_energyplus( building_path, out_dir=out_dir, version=get_idf_version(building), expand_objects=expand_objects, **eplus_args, ) return objectives.read_eso(out_dir)
[docs]def run_energyplus( building_path: PathLike, out_dir: PathLike = config.out_dir, epw: PathLike = config.files["epw"], err_dir: PathLike = config.err_dir, schema_file=None, error_mode="Silent", version=None, ep_path=None, expand_objects: bool = False, *, stdout_mode="Silent", ): """Run EnergyPlus. This method is intended to work as similar to the cli tool as possible :param building_path: Path to building file :param out_dir: Path to store EnergyPlus output files :param epw: Path to epw file :param err_dir: Path to store EnergyPlus error files :param schema_file: Path to data dictionary for EnergyPlus :param stdout_mode: Stdout mode selection, options are "Verbose" and "Silent" :param error_mode: Error mode selection :param version: Version of building file :param ep_path: Path to EnergyPlus if installed in unexpected directory :param expand_objects: Boolean if '--expandobjects' option to be appended :param stdout_mode: Stdout mode selection. One of {"Silent", "Verbose"} raise warning otherwise. Silent: EnergyPlus stdout output is suppressed. This is the default. Verbose: EnergyPlus output is printed to stdout. :returns: None """ if version is None: version = get_idf_version_pth(building_path) ep_exe_path, ep_directory = get_ep_path(version, ep_path) schema_file = schema_file or Path(ep_directory, "Energy+.idd") cmd = [ ep_exe_path, "--idd", schema_file, "--weather", epw, ] if out_dir: cmd += ["--output-directory", out_dir] if expand_objects: cmd.append("--expandobjects") cmd.append(building_path) needs_shell = platform.system() == "Windows" # validate stdout_mode stdout_mode_options = {"Silent", "Verbose"} warning = ( "Invalid value for stdout_mode. " 'Must be one of {"Silent", "Verbose"}. ' 'Using default value of "Silent". ' ) stdout_arg = {"stdout": subprocess.DEVNULL} if stdout_mode not in stdout_mode_options: warnings.warn(warning) elif stdout_mode == "Verbose": stdout_arg = {} try: if stdout_arg: print("Running EnergyPlus with stdout output suppressed..."), check=True, shell=needs_shell, **stdout_arg) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # TODO: This log is excessively noisy. Can we cut it down to just the command's stderr? if error_mode != "Silent": # print eplus error filename = Path(out_dir, "eplusout.err") if os.path.exists(filename): err_file = open(filename, "r") for line in err_file: print(line) print() err_file.close() if err_dir is not None and out_dir != err_dir: # copy eplus error files to err_dir if os.path.exists(err_dir): shutil.rmtree(err_dir) shutil.copytree(out_dir, err_dir) raise e
[docs]def get_ep_path(idf_version, ep_path=None): """get EnergyPlus installation path by idf_version :param idf_version: idf_version of EnergyPlus :param ep_path: Optional - path to EnergyPlus if installed in different location then expected :returns: (path to EnergyPlus executable, path to EnergyPlus) """ if "." in idf_version: if idf_version == "9.0" or idf_version == "9.0.1": idf_version = "9-0-1" else: idf_version = idf_version.replace(".", "-") + "-0" if ep_path is not None: ep_directory = os.path.abspath(ep_path) if not os.path.exists(ep_directory): message = f"'ep_path' does not exist.\n'ep_path': {ep_path}" raise InstallationError(message=message) try: cmd = [os.path.join(ep_directory, "energyplus"), "--version"] out, err = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() ep_path_version = ( str(out).split("Version ")[-1].split("-")[0].replace(".", "-") ) except: message = f"'ep_path' provided does not contain an energyplus file\n'ep_path': {ep_path}" raise InstallationError(message=message) if ep_path_version != idf_version: message = f"'ep_path' provided is a different version of EnergyPlus then 'idf_version' argument\n'ep_path': {ep_path}\n'idf_version': {idf_version}" raise InstallationError(message=message) if platform.system() == "Windows": ep_exe = os.path.join(ep_directory, "energyplus.exe") else: ep_exe = os.path.join(ep_directory, "energyplus") else: # this is duplicated from eppy.runner.run_functions.paths_from_version if platform.system() == "Windows": ep_directory = "C:/EnergyPlusV{idf_version}".format(idf_version=idf_version) ep_exe = os.path.join(ep_directory, "energyplus.exe") elif platform.system() == "Linux": ep_directory = "/usr/local/EnergyPlus-{idf_version}".format( idf_version=idf_version ) ep_exe = os.path.join(ep_directory, "energyplus") else: ep_directory = "/Applications/EnergyPlus-{idf_version}".format( idf_version=idf_version ) ep_exe = os.path.join(ep_directory, "energyplus") if not os.path.exists(ep_directory) or not os.path.exists(ep_exe): raise InstallationError(version=idf_version) return ep_exe, ep_directory
def print_available_outputs( building, version=None, name=None, frequency=None, ): # backwards compatibility if version: warnings.warn( "the version argument is deprecated for print_available_outputs," " and will be removed in the future", FutureWarning, ) assert version == get_idf_version(building), "Incorrect version" if name is not None: name = name.lower() if frequency is not None: frequency = frequency.lower() results = run_building(building, stdout_mode="Verbose") for key in results.keys(): if name is not None: if name not in key[0].lower(): continue if frequency is not None and key[1].lower() != frequency: continue elif frequency is not None: if key[1].lower() != frequency: continue print(list(key))